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Sciatica - Ouch!

Treatment for Degenerated Disc, Bulging Disc and Herniated Disc
Sciatica - Pain travelling down the leg

Sciatic Pain

Sciatic pain is a very distinct type of low back pain that travels down the back of the leg, into the calf and possibly down to the foot. Sciatic pain can be very difficult to endure.

What Causes Sciatic Pain?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the low back and it is susceptible to pressure from vertebral discs of the low back and other structures. As the nerve passes out of the spinal canal, it has to go through a space between two vertebrae. Here it can be compressed by a disc that has herniated, or by one that has dried up and degenerated. At times, you might feel that the pain that will never go away.

Can I Get Relief From Sciatic Pain?

Yes. Spinal Decompression Therapy specifically treats disc and nerve pain. Spinal Decompression Therapy treatment is exactly as it sounds. While lying down the patient is stretched from head to toe using a specially designed Spinal Decompression table. The small muscles that attach from one vertebra to the next are gently stretched. These small muscles cannot be stretched manually. This stretch creates space between the vertebrae eases the pressure on the nerves, especially the sciatic nerve. Then prescribed home stretches and low back stability exercises ensures a longer term benefit.

Sciatic pain doesn’t have to hold you back from doing the activities you enjoy. There is a way to treat sciatica and keep you mobile and pain free. Ask how Dr. Doug and Spinal Decompression could help you. 

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